People - Photos

At railway station. Area around Kalaw village. Myanmar (Burma).At railway station. Area around Kalaw village. Myanmar (Burma).Children at the way to the school. Area around Kalaw village. Myanmar (Burma).Local woman (from hill tribe) is smoking traditional burma cigar called cheroot. Area around Kalaw village. Myanmar (Burma).Local man (from hill tribe) is smoking traditional burma cigar called cheroot. Area around Kalaw village. Myanmar (Burma).At the village. Myanmar (Burma).Work at fields. Myanmar (Burma).On the way from fileds to home. Myanmar (Burma).Ship unloading. Mandalay. Myanmar (Burma).Woman monk near Mingun Paya. Myanmar (Burma).Woman monk near Mingun Bell. Myanmar (Burma).Nat festival. Myanmar (Burma).Music band playing at Nat festival. Myanmar (Burma).Woman is a medium who answering the questions. Nat festival. Myanmar (Burma).Music band playing at Nat festival. Myanmar (Burma).At the market. Hsipaw village. Myanmar (Burma).At the market. Hsipaw village. Myanmar (Burma).At the market. Hsipaw village. Myanmar (Burma).At the market. Hsipaw village. Myanmar (Burma).Man at Mashhad street. Iran.Street at Mashhad town. Iran.Street at Mashhad town. Iran.Traditional color of woman dress is black in Iran. Woman is dressed in black chador. Mashhad. Iran.Man at Mashhad street. Iran.Streed at Mashhad town. Iran.Local woman at Kharanagh village. Iran.Local man at Kharanagh village. Iran.Local people at Kharanagh village. Iran.Local people at Kharanagh village. Iran.Young Iranian girl at Persepolis. Iran.

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