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Modern Singapore

River bank. Singapore. Singapore is a small island by the end of Malay Peninsula. The smaller it is in the size, the more important it’s for Asian economy. It becomes an important trading and banking center and plays key role in new technologies research. The success of Singapore is strongly connected with hard work of the people and effective government which supported economic growth.

Hindu temple. Singapore. Singapore was a busy business center already during colonial era. It used to be an important British port. It becomes independent after the Second World War in 1959. In 1963 Singapore joined Malay federation, but after two years, Singapore reconsiders that decision and becomes definitely independent. Lee Kuan Yew becomes a premier. He was the key person responsible for Singapore prosperity. He supported business and economy, tourism and industry development. Lee was a strong person. He is the originator of the famous laws: No smoking on public, no littering, no chewing gum, no drugs. He also restricted public car transportation. On the other hand he supported rather ecological project to extend green areas in the city, etc.

River bank. Singapore. Nonetheless Singapore is the pearl of Asia. The clean, huge city has a working infrastructure, efficient services and nice people. It’s safe for visitors who can walk through modern streets and admire the architecture. Singapore is multicultural society. You can find there Chinese quarter, or Little India. Arabian community is located around Arabian street. The huge shopping malls are often searched by foreigners to do some bargain shopping. If you are too tired from the modern city, you can have a rest at Island Resort Sentosa or visit Singapore ZOO, where you can see many rare and endangered species.


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