» Travel » Senegal » Dakar - Senegal

Dakar - Senegal

Dakar, the capital of Senegal, is not really popular place for touristic. Nevertheless, it’s surprising city with nice atmosphere. According to Africa, it’s a huge city with a busy centre you should not miss. Amazing ethnic mix of native people from Senegal, Mali, Nigeria, Niger, Mauretania or Cote de Ivoire, came to Senegal to find a work, business or a better life.

The Place de l'Indepéndance together with Avenue Pompidou (Ponty) are the main center locations, quite only early in the morning. For the rest of the day, the streets are full of small stalls and shops, full of people wondering around, traffic and noise. You can feel the African temperament. The merchandises are trying to sell anything to everybody around. Bargaining is hard. All around and through there are walking people and driving cars. There are almost no traffic rules. As nobody is controlling the traffic, the hooter sound is a necessity.

Chambre de Commerce, Dakar. Senegal. Dakar is a true multiethnic city. Young and pretty girls in Euro-style dress, mixed with women in traditional colorful clothing looks a little bit inappropriate walking by the modern streets, with all the different headdresses. It’s like to see all West Africa at one spot. It’s hard to miss it. One can even notice their behavior. Even though they are all very temperament, you can recognize they are different. Dakar is also a city with a high concentration of European citizens, complementing the diversity and giving the city slightly Western character.


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