» Travel » Mali » Sandstone Formations Near Hombori - Mali

Sandstone Formations Near Hombori - Mali

Mountain Hombori Tondo near Hombori village. Mali. West African Mali is flat semi desert country. The only exception you can find around Hombori village. However the area of sandstone formations of Hombri Mountains is lot large, it’s quite famous. The highest point in Mali Hombori Tondo rises to 1155m (3,789 ft) above sea level. Its sharp cliffs are almost vertical, so it’s popular spot for rock climbers as the whole mountain area. And it’s definitely not good for beginners.

Mountain La Main de Fatima near Hombori village. Mali. Travelling around, you can see some other well-known sandstone formations: La Clé de Hombori (Key to Hombori), Kissim, Fada, Barcousi èi Wari. Nevertheless, the second most famous rock formation after Hombori Tondo is indeed La Main de Fatima (The hand of Fatima). Tall, narrow rock chimneys are representing Fatima’s hand. The formation is almost 600m high and provides a great world-class rock climbing walls; some of them were rated as E4 (Brittish) or 7a (French) class.

Hombre village is located on a main road to Gao, about 600km east of the capital Bamako.


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