» Travel » Cameroon » Cameroon’s diary – on the way to Korup National Park

Cameroon’s diary – on the way to Korup National Park

Korup National Park entrance. Cameroon. Limbe was nice, afternoon zoo visit was pleasure but it’s time to move again. My time for Cameroon visit is short and my plan is huge. Early morning after sunshine about 6:30 I’m starting to look for some minibus to the Korup National Park.

Of course there is no direct bus the first destination is Kumba about 120 away from the Korup National Park. There should be direct to bus to Kumba somewhere. It’s necessary to ask around and take local taxi to the edge of the town (place called Mile 4) where minibuses are parking. And of course, there is one to Kumba. I’m happy maybe we will go early. But everybody has a lot of time especially driver. It looks that minibus is full but we are still waiting. After about one hour minibus is starting to move. It’s really full 4 people are sitting at each row. I reminded myself my travel around Madagascar – it had the same African standard. Except two police checkpoint everything is going well. No breakdown no other problem and around noon I’m at Kumba. I have to change minibus at this town. My next stop is Mundemba small village where entrance to the Korup National Park is.

Lot of asking and it’s clear that I’m again at wrong bus station. I have to move to another side of Kumba. OK, no problem, just to pay few hundred CFA for local taxi and after 15 minutes I’m on the right place.

“Are you going to Mundemba sir? This car is going there. Uf, small Toyota, it’s really small. No minibus? No sir, only few people going there and this car is the only option. OK then I will go. Fine sir and you have to pay for your luggage too. What? I’ve never paid for luggage at Cameroon. This is car sir no bus and you have to pay.” Well, after few minutes of negations I agreed with price for myself and for luggage (backpack) too. And I went to find something to eat - it’s lunch time. There is a lot of passangers for this small car but I have to wait few hours. Nobody knows what we are waiting for.

Ready to go, take your seats. And lot, really lot of people is trying to get into the small Toyota. Do you know how many people are travelling normally by this small car? Eight people including driver! Four back and four in front. Driver is sitting at the left most part of the car, shifting gear is somewhere between knees of the next passenger and two are on the right side. I’m sitting back with three other passengers. Well sitting, trying to survive. Small minibus was excellent way of travel comparing with this. And even minibus was crowded. Now it’s really difficult. But all locals are ok, only I look surprised. Car is starting to move and we are leaving Kumba. After few kilometers tarmac is finished and only dusty unsealed road is in front of us. Driver is going fast, lot of dust is everywhere. Again several police checkpoints are on the way. Travel is difficult. Not enough space in the car, I’m thinking it’s my last travel. And it’s not all. Driver has to change broken tire few times and once we have to stop at repair shop. I’m happy because I can leave car for some time. But generally we go slowly. It’s late afternoon and Mundemba is nowhere. After 5pm we are here. Mundemba is waiting us. I’m happy to leave my last transportation option for this day. I go to the Korup National Park office to discuss my park visit. There are few guides and we are making agreement. We will start tomorrow we will go to the park for 3 days, they will provide me with food and water and I have to pay for it of course. There is official price list. Exact route we will discuss tomorrow. It’s getting dark so I’m leaving to the hotel and looking forward for tomorrow.


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